Canids Specialist Group

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What We Do

CSG Objectives:

To compile, synthesize and disseminate information on the conservation and status of all canid species across their range, with particular emphasis on species which are threatened or rare.

To provide and improve technical information and advice on all matters concerning wild canids, including their status in the wild; the threats they face and their conservation requirements; biology and natural history to the following:

  • range state government agencies;

  • non-governmental organizations, including national and international organizations and potential funding bodies;

  • inter-governmental organizations (e.g. IUCN, CITES);

  • field projects concerned with canid conservation.

Special effort will be made to target outputs in a manner that meet the needs of the above institutions and agencies.

To promote and catalyse conservation activities benefitting wild canids, to be carried out by the above, prioritizing and coordinating efforts of researchers and conservationists worldwide.

To help raise funding for canid research and conservation and undertake research directly when necessary or appropriate.

To improve management of the common and sometimes troublesome species.

To build capacity through the exchange of ideas, information, and technical expertise among the members of the Group.